Y Eggs, you ask?

Y Eggs, you ask?

Why Inside the Egg? How did she come up with that name?

Eggs. What are they? Being a scientist at heart, I looked up the definition of egg so that I could be accurate and a number of things popped. Under the heading of egg definition; Zoology, biology, genetics, food, slang, verb.

Wow! So many categories! Too much information so I will summarize the first three (zoology, biology, genetics) briefly as it pertains to women. An egg is a germ cell (ova) that is extruded from the ovary at ovulation.

Food. Things made by chickens and collected before a baby bird can develop inside.

Slang. A person, i.e., She’s a good egg.  Or should I say:  praiseworthy?  How about eggcellent?


Okay, enough bad puns.

How about egg verb?  What’s that?! Oh, to use it as a verb. To egg on. To urge. Especially something daring or foolish.

I thought to myself, yeah, that all fits.

But my initial thought was: Not Y at all but X. You see, mothers always pass on an X chromosome. Sperm can be a Y or an X but not eggs. Boys=XY. Girls=XX

X, the unknown factor symbol. X= female potential; the ability to create.

Maybe that’s why men don’t understand women- too much unknown factor for them!

But back to my Egg. The logo explains it (a picture is worth a thousand words): A seed that contains everything needed to make a tree. Creation starts with inspiration, continues with more ideas and then comes to fruition with action. I have to admit, I am a DIY kind of gal. But to make something really good, you have to put your heart into it.

So this blog will be about things I love (as an X) and hopefully, you my readers will like too. My topics will be life experience, DIY projects especially jewelry (confessed beadaholic) and crafts, photos of animals, gardens, art, and occasionally food and beverage contributions from the “foodie” in the family: my XY hubbie, Doc Kitchen.

And like my books, I will throw in a little symbolism here and there because it points to the underlying themes in our lives especially in dreams.

Short (key word here) stories that will keep you entertained.

I believe that you will enjoy looking at my creations for you, my readers, but the underlying intention is to urge you (or egg you on) to generating greater creativity in your life and have fun doing it.

To create, however, you can’t stay an egg. That means cracking open and finding out what’s inside.

On that note: Let’s get cracking.


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About J Fremont

Author/veterinarian J. Fremont has created Magician of Light, a novel about famed glassmaker Rene Laliqué. Exercise your imagination. Enjoy!

J Fremont

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