The Myth of Madame Mariposa: Part 3-The Council of Seven

The Myth of Madame Mariposa: Part 3-The Council of Seven

Exercise Your Imagination!  Do you like stories with mystery and suspense? Well, if you do, keep reading and enjoy Eggcentricsagas.  If you are just joining Eggcentricsagas, start from the beginning: A La Mano: Part 1-The Treasure

Madame Mariposa finished rinsing out her teapot and put it in the dish drainer to dry. As she did this, Magic wove in and out of her legs, rubbing his face against them. She turned and picked him up. Kissing him quickly on his forehead, she put him down again. A big boy and heavy, Ravenna did not tote him around. Nor did Magic like to be carried. Cats enjoyed their freedom, and the fortune teller willingly obliged him. He would follow her if he wanted.

Ravenna made her way into the parlor and built a fire. When it was a crackling blaze, she heard Zerlinda’s footsteps from above. Magic had already made a nest of her lap when her granddaughter appeared.

The cat was content and purring. Scratching behind his ears, Ravenna addressed Zerlinda. “Honey, Baba is a little sore from her work in the garden today. Would you mind sitting on the footstool?”

Zerlinda frowned momentarily at the ball of black fur curled in her grandmother’s lap but then looked up and said, “Sure Baba.” Moving over to the stool, she removed the pillow atop it and placed it on the floor in front of the footrest. Sitting down on it, the girl used the stool as a backrest. Waves of warmth enveloped her, and she noted, “It is nice here by the fire. Okay, I’m ready.”

“Where was I?”

“The Moon Queen was going to war with the Sun King.”

Amazed at her granddaughter’s memory, Ravenna smiled. “Ah, yes…”

“Actually, the Moon Queen didn’t want to fight, but if it meant that it saved her world, then that is what she intended to do. While the Sun King made his plans, so did the Moon Queen. Each of them trying to outwit each other, they called upon their court advisers. One of the Moon Queen’s advisers was a big, black kitty named Kairos.”

Zerlinda interrupted. “Like Magic?”

“Yes, like Magic, except Kairos was female.”

“Kairos knew a great deal as she listened to the talk of all the animals. Understanding cooperation meant the animals were still friends and gossiping among themselves about what the rulers were doing in their respective realms. 

Kairos had learned an interesting tidbit. When the Sun King was making all his battle plans, his queen had come to him. Advising him of taking a different tack, the Sun Queen told him that negotiating with the Moon Queen was a better idea than war. But the Sun King was inflexible. Dismissing her, he told her to mind her own business. He said that she did not know how to rule. Well, of course, this made the queen furious, so she summoned the royal horse, Pegasus, and flew away to the highest peak of their domain: Coal Mountain. Not caring, the king returned to his evil schemes and destructive notions.

The Court Jester had seen all this and knew that the Sun King was being the foolish one. Especially, not at least consider the views of his queen. The Jester realized that only the Council of Seven could convince their children to get along.”

Zerlinda interjected, “Children? Who are the children?”

“The Sun King and the Moon Queen.”

“But I thought they were grown-ups.”

Ravenna chuckled. “Just because someone is an adult doesn’t mean that they aren’t children. Did I mention that the Sun King and Moon Queen were brother and sister?”

“You mean like you and Great-Uncle Art?”

“Exactly.” Ravenna replied and continued with her story.

“So, the Jester summoned the Royal Hummingbird and the Royal Owl and he sent the feathered emissaries of each Kingdom to meet with the Council of Seven.”

“Baba, what’s an emissary?”

“That is a special messenger sent on a special mission.”

“The birds came back with scrolls from the Council of Seven and gave them to their respective rulers. The Owl gave his scroll to the Moon Queen, and the Hummingbird gave hers to the Sun King. Surprising both the King and the Queen, when they read them, the documents had issued them a Supreme Summons to the City of Stars, where the Council of Seven presided.

The day arrived and both the rulers stood upon the portico of Judgment with the Council of Seven before them. The council members were diaphanous beings of Light, the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple…”

“Baba!” Zerlinda interrupted again.

“Yes, Dear?”

“What does diaphanous mean?” she asked.

“It means they were like gossamer.”

“Why do you have to explain a big word with another big word?” Zerlinda asked with annoyance and a cross expression. She folded her arms over her chest. “You know, I am only in kindergarten, Baba.”

Her grandmother laughed. “It is never too early to build your vocabulary.” As Zerlinda did not seem amused, Ravenna smiled and explained in simpler terms. “Okay. Do you remember the dragonfly in the garden today?”


“Do you remember its wings? Hard to see unless you really looked?” Zerlinda nodded. “Well, that’s what the Council of Seven looked like except in different colors.”

“Okay, go on.”

“The Council of Seven listened to both sides of the story with patience and they huddled together in discussion momentarily. Then they announced to all present that they would have to consult the Tree of Light before deciding.” 

Ravenna stopped, yawned, and stretched. Magic awoke, and he looked up at his mistress with a small measure of discontent. Ravenna spoke to him, “Yes, it is time for bed, Magic. All that gardening has worn me out.”

“Aw… But I’m not tired…” Zerlinda complained.

“Be a good girl and help your Baba up,” Madame Mariposa chided. “Don’t worry, the story will go on…”

Next: The Myth of Madame Mariposa: Part 4-The Power of Four

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About J Fremont

Author/veterinarian J. Fremont has created Magician of Light, a novel about famed glassmaker Rene Laliqué. Exercise your imagination. Enjoy!

J Fremont

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