The Magician’s Hat No. 2: Part 4-Following the Tracks

The Magician’s Hat No. 2: Part 4-Following the Tracks

Do you like stories with mystery and suspense? Strange and “wyrd” ones? Well, if you do, keep reading and enjoy Eggcentricsagas.  If you are just joining Eggcentricsagas, you might want to start from the beginning: A La Mano: Part 1-The Treasure

His hands dropping to his sides, Edward repeated, “Following the tracks?”

Dandy didn’t bother to look up from his game of solitaire. “Yep.” He picked up the King of Spades from the waste pile and placed it in a space in the tableau pile next to the King of Diamonds. Then he took the stack of Queen of Hearts, Jack of Spades, and Ten of Diamonds from the seventh tableau place and placed it on top of the black king card. He flipped up the face-down card at space seven. It was the Two of Hearts.

“Back the way we came? Into the woods, Dandy?”

“Yeah. That’s what I said.” The small man craned his neck and looked up at Edward questioningly. “Who is that girl? Where did she come from?”

“She’s a friend of Big Boss.”

Dubious, the dwarf questioned, “Friend, eh?” His eyes narrowed as he studied the magic man’s face and then looked at the blouse and skirt draped over Edward’s arm. “I heard that she was found under the fortune teller’s flying tent when it landed. What’s she doing here? Does it have something to do with Madame Glass? Everybody is talking about that, her, and George being locked up. Does she know what happened to the missing seer?”

Edward evaded his questions by shrugging. “How long ago did they leave?”

Jim Dandy guffawed and said knowingly, “You do realize, Snake Eyes, that I am not the Strong Man?” He looked back at his stockpile and began to flip the cards again.

“C’mon, Dandy, it’s company business. You know I can’t talk about it.”

The small man snorted as he flipped up the Ace of Hearts. “I can’t put my finger on it but something about her is all wrong.” He moved the ace to the foundation pile and then placed the Two of Hearts on it. “She doesn’t belong here. Rajiv, her, the monkey wandering around…Smells like trouble to me.”  He flipped the next card in the tableau spot seven. It was the Queen of Spades. “Well, looky here, why don’t you? More spades.” He moved the queen to cover the red king and continued flipping cards.

Edward pressed him for an answer. “What time?”

Still focusing on his game, Dandy replied, “She looked weird to me. Had a faraway look in her eyes. Like she was in a trance. With that kid and the monkey trailing after her…”

Losing his patience, which was rare, Edward snapped, “C’mon Dandy!”

“I don’t know. Twenty, maybe thirty minutes ago.”

Having got his answer, Edward threw the clothes on his mattress and started towards the door.

As he departed, Dandy called after him, “Mark my words. Trouble. With a capital T.”


Astonished, Rajiv waved his hand back and forth in front of Charlotte’s face with no response from her. His trick had worked! Charlotte was entranced. Her eyes were open but she was in a world of her own; staring forward at nothing. What could he make her do? Could he make her do tricks like Kapi? Would she stand on her head or juggle balls at his command? He suppressed a giggle. Then he thought of Mr. Angel. What would he think if he found Charlotte doing a headstand in the tent under the influence of Rajiv and his magic pocket watch?

No. I’d better not make her do something silly. Mr. Angel would not like that, Rajiv thought. Then inspiration hit. Hoping to impress the magician, Rajiv got the notion that he would try to solve the mystery of Madame Glass.

In the lowest-pitched voice he could muster, the kid asked her, “Do you know where Madame Glass is?” To his surprise and delight, Charlotte nodded her head. His eyes gleaming, he asked, “Can you lead me to her?” She nodded again. “Lead me to her now,” he commanded her.

Rajiv watched as Charlotte got up and walked out of the tent. I can’t believe it, he thought and jumped to his feet to follow after her. Kapi chattered his teeth in displeasure but stayed put on his shoulder as the boy hurried to catch up to his new friend. She stepped onto the train tracks and started to follow them back into the woods. Feeling all the stares of the carnies as they passed by them, Rajiv ignored them. Charlotte took no heed at all as she marched along in a deep trance, leading them to the mysterious location of Madame Glass. When they came to the edge of the woods, she continued with no hesitation.

Never taking her eyes off the distant horizon, Charlotte walked in silence. Rajiv kept pace and wondered where she was going. They left the bright daylight behind as they ventured farther into the forest. The canopy of trees seemed to close over them and formed a tunnel of muted green. The only sounds the young boy heard were the whispering winds through the leaves and the crunch of their shoes on the gravel between the railroad ties. Rajiv began to worry a little as they went farther and farther. The increasing gloom also affected Kapi and, he wrapped his little arms around Rajiv’s neck. Charlotte showed no signs of stopping, and they continued trudging along as the track began to bend. Suddenly, they came to a blind curve.

Rajiv was about to say something to Charlotte to arouse her when they came upon a trestle bridge running over a small stream below. Fearing her to fall, he placed his hand on her shoulder to halt her progress. “Charlotte, wake up!” he cried. Instead of heeding his direction, she pulled away from him and quickly veered off the train tracks approaching the edge of the embankment.

In desperation, the boy lunged and grabbed her arm. Kapi started screeching, leapt from his master’s shoulder onto Charlotte’s head, and bit it. This action startled her, and she began to flail her arms and run. Rajiv watched in horror as his pet and the girl tumbled over the ridge.

Next: The Magician’s Hat No. 2: Part 5-The Digging Begins

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About J Fremont

Author/veterinarian J. Fremont has created Magician of Light, a novel about famed glassmaker Rene Laliqué. Exercise your imagination. Enjoy!

J Fremont

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