Love is the Answer

Love is the Answer

Valentine’s Day is coming up. Did you know that approximately 115 million red roses are purchased and given on this holiday? This rose isn’t red but it is still beautiful.  It is called a Double Delight.

Speaking of delight…One of my favorite songs is Love is the Answer by England Dan and John Ford Coley. It has a catchy tune and I like the lyrics. It is an idealistic song to remind us to love each other.

I admit it: I am an idealist. This may sound somewhat Pollyannaish but I believe that striving for the ideal maximizes your potential. There is potential in everything and everybody. All can be potentially better. I like to think of this as evolution. We evolve and grow into the best we can be. This includes being lovers to all that we meet.

So what simple symbol represents love? The heart. Our heart.

Red Metal Heart Garden Art

Valentine’s Day; the day designated to celebrate love in our lives. We give candy, flowers and/or greeting cards to those people that matter the most to us. Obviously we can’t give something to everyone that we meet. Or can we? There are two people that significantly impacted the world that think we can.

How about a smile? Don’t you love it when someone gives you a genuine smile? Did you know that we have a World Smile Day? It is celebrated on the first Friday in October every year. It was coined and initiated by an artist named Harvey Ball who created the Smiley Face in 1963. We all know the smiley face icon, eh?


The catch phrase for the day is ‘Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.’ Harvey Ball

I propose this Valentine’s Day that if you can’t give chocolate to everybody, you can always smile at them. Hopefully, they will return your smile and you will both feel better.

Love is the answer.

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. Mother Teresa

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About J Fremont

Author/veterinarian J. Fremont has created Magician of Light, a novel about famed glassmaker Rene Laliqué. Exercise your imagination. Enjoy!

J Fremont

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