So I decided to start a blog. How easy, right? Just think of something clever to say that will keep readers engaged for more than a minute.
BTW, did you know that the average attention span of our species is down from 12 secs in 2000 to just 8 secs in 2013? I also read that the average attention span of a goldfish is 9 secs. How did they calculate that???
A variety of assumptions comes to mind when taking those numbers under consideration. Does that mean that I have more likelihood of having a goldfish read my blog than my fellow humans?
Oh geez. I was going to write more like how I needed to design the blog but had to learn how to do it first being the non-techno person (Luddite apparently is the correct terminology) that I am and that it was a lot more work than I initially thought. How I needed to create my logo and get my son, Professor Flash, to render a better version of it than my half-assed drawing and then try to figure out how to put it on my site.
But apparently, according to statistics, I have already lost 50% of you.
Except Greta. The goldfish.
Note to self: More pictures.
More on the blog to come.