
When I came across this word, gadget, in attempting to design my blog, I thought, “What’s this?” What in the heck are they referring to? And what does it do for your blog? The definition of gadget: a small mechanical device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one.

Like this?


Now this gadget I understand and know how to operate.

Frankly, the first gadget that came to my mind was Inspector Gadget. Remember him? The 1980’s cartoon turned movie with Matthew Broderick in the late 90’s? He was also a toy that you could get with a McDonald’s Happy Meal. Parts of him, that is. You know, leg, arm, torso…


How many Happy Meals were consumed and different locations of Mc Donald’s searched before my husband procured that very last piece of Inspector Gadget?   Enough that we have memories of it. Inspector Gadget was complete! The elation on the cherubic face, the proud happiness of a parent who has fulfilled their child’s desire…

For, oh, maybe a day and a half. Okay, maybe a week.

Into the toy box Inspector Gadget went. Years passed and the “Playroom” was converted into a teenager “Man Cave”. Most of the “kids” toys were given to those less fortunate and the boxes replaced with a console complete with gaming system.

But as usual I digress… So back to my post. When I finally figured out to click on Edit in the Gadget field is when I found a plethora of things. Not that I understood any of them. So I went to my youngest son, my teenager, the one who should be familiar with all of this technological stuff, and asked him what a gadget was. He was in his “Man Cave” in the familiar slumped position on the couch, fixated stare at the TV screen, completely motionless except lightning fast thumbs. I expected the usual, “Huh?”, unintelligible grunt or the worst, complete silence, but this time I struck gold.

“Gadget? You mean Inspector Gadget? What ever happened to him?”

dr j fremont

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About J Fremont

Author/veterinarian J. Fremont has created Magician of Light, a novel about famed glassmaker Rene Laliqué. Exercise your imagination. Enjoy!

J Fremont

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