A La Mano: Part 6-The Reading

A La Mano: Part 6-The Reading

Do you like stories with mystery and suspense? Strange and “wyrd” ones? Well, if you do, keep reading and enjoy Eggcentricsagas. If you are just joining Eggcentricsagas, you might want to start from the beginning: A La Mano: Part 1-The Treasure

The room I entered was gloomier than the last. Madame Mariposa was absent; I assumed she was behind the other red curtain at the back of the room. Not knowing what else to do, I took in my surroundings. The only light provided was by numerous candles. Their incandescence revealed a bookshelf to one side containing not only musty old books but several bottles with mysterious liquids. Sitting atop and above a walnut buffet on the other side were gruesome items; a human skull, a stuffed raven, a tarantula and, several bats tacked by their wings to the darkly colored walls. Covering a large table in the middle of the room was a red tablecloth with embroidered arcane symbols in gold.

I took a few steps forward to examine the contents of the tabletop more closely. Numerous pointed pieces of crystal quartz, small statuettes, a large crystal ball, and several substantial stones of deep blue and gold-flecked lapis lazuli were laid out in a pattern surrounding a deck of cards.

“Only one allowed at a time,” a woman’s voice said.

I glanced up at Madame Mariposa, dressed in colorful clothing and sporting a turban, looking over my shoulder seemingly mesmerized.

Looking back, I expected to see someone else but no one was there. I turned to the soothsayer and stated, “There’s no one here but me.”

Blinking her large owl-like eyes, she briefly shook her head as if to clear some cobwebs from her mind, and came back to the present. “So I see.” She waved towards the chair sitting in front of the table. “Please sit.” After I was settled, she pointed to the deck of cards. “Shuffle and cut three times as you ponder your question. Each time place the top card face down here,” the seer said and indicated places on the table. I did as she requested and sat back in my chair.

Madame Mariposa turned the cards over one at a time, studied them intently and, then began a narrative. “I see two women; one dark-haired and a redhead. There is a man between them and he wants them both. There is trouble as the redhead is full of anger. Jewels are the cause. Purple jewels.” She paused and closed her eyes. At this juncture, my rational mind kicked in. This woman was a charlatan, she was telling me the story of the girl who had gone before me. How many others had she duped that were not so observant or knowledgeable of her other clients?

I silently berated myself. What was I thinking to come here? She didn’t know anything about the brooch or its history.

The clairvoyant continued with her eyes closed. “No. Not purple but green.” She ran her finger over her left wrist as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. “An emerald bracelet and…” Pausing, she opened her eyes. Boring her gaze into mine, she added, “A golden leaf with pearls.” Surprised at this revelation, I gasped. The woman looked over my shoulder again with a faraway look. Then her eyes widened momentarily as a look of fright flitted over them. She closed them quickly and then was still. I glanced behind me but was met with only inky shadows.

Finally, Madame Mariposa opened her eyes. “You must leave now. I don’t feel well.” She pointed to a bowl of coins on the buffet as an indication of payment. “Come back tomorrow and I will have more information.”

Tap, tap, tap… It was getting louder. I covered my ears but could still hear it. Tap, tap, rap, rap… I looked around. The door. The only way out of the bookstore. Rap, rap, rap… I went and opened it. There she stood; the red-head. She wore a smug grin; a hint of wicked pleasure played upon her lips. She had gained admittance. Stepping across the threshold, she stood before me. In a melodious but commanding voice, she said, “You cannot keep what you do not own.” She reached for me with her pale hands. Frightened by her grasp of my cheeks, my heart beating furiously, I pulled my consciousness back…

I awoke in my bed with the woman’s touch still lingering on my face. I got up, dressed quickly, and went downstairs. Mrs. Tilsby was in the kitchen so I grabbed a greasy sausage off her plate and ate it on the way to Madame Mariposa’s shop. When I was nearly finished with the meat, I removed the rag still in my pocket and wrapped up a tiny piece to save for Pepe. Then I wiped my fingers on the cloth and stuffed it back in my pocket. All the while hoping that I would receive a solution to my problems.

Next: Part 7-Flowers and Plots

dr j fremont

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About J Fremont

Author/veterinarian J. Fremont has created Magician of Light, a novel about famed glassmaker Rene Laliqué. Exercise your imagination. Enjoy!

J Fremont

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